Thursday, 30 June 2011

Support for the Teachers

Today I have decided to show my support for all the public sector workers mainly the teachers who are striking.
The government are trying to save money once again at the expense of the workers who do the jobs that most wouldn’t want to do in a million years. The public have been led to believe that these people have some golden massive pension waiting for them when they retire. Wake up people, this is horseshit and you are swallowing the crap that this shitty government want you to believe.
It is starting with the teachers but this will go so much deeper. It will affect everyone working in the public sector, all those people that you rely on like Nurses. Most have been on a pay rise freeze, some negotiated a 3 year deal worth 10% which if this 3% rise in pension payments gets through then they will in fact be getting a pay cut in real terms. If this gets put through to the public sector it paves the way for the private sector to follow suit. This will then affect us all and those people not supporting the teachers etc will be the first to complain.
Money is tight for everyone and if these changes go ahead it will only get worse. The government are trying to make us pay for the failings and waste that the previous and current government have caused. Until they stop wasting government funds, stop handing tax payers money out to the lazy and bone idle, stop handing millions in taxpayers money to other countries before sorting out their own, the rot will continue.
I am all for this country helping those in foreign lands that are in need, but charity begins at home and until there is a change in the way some things are funded in this country I cannot condone the use of millions of public cash being given away.
We have institutions like the police force, ambulance trusts, RLNI, Air ambulances, Hospices, Fire Brigades, Hospitals crying out because of the lack of cash. Some of these vital services like the RNLI, Air ambulances and Hospices are not even funded by the government!
I know people that for years have paid into the governments coffers, have fallen terminally ill and cannot get a bloody bean from them to help them out financially!
Yet if the same person had got knocked up at 17, by now would have a cushy council house and have all things paid for by the government. Is this really fair or right, NO it isn’t but like many things in this country doesn’t ever seem to change.
If we do not get a government that has the balls to put these things right and actually listens to what the voters want instead of doing what they think we want then this country is doomed to fail and continue in the downward spiral it has begun.
So when a group of workers have the balls to stand up and be counted and say NO, we are not taking this shit anymore, don’t call them lazy, or money grabbers because that is not the case. They are standing up to the government that once again want to make the people that work for a living pay for their mistakes in governing this country that we were all once proud of.

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