Friday, 9 September 2011

Shite Year

I've started and deleted this next blog several times.
I have written so many things and thought that I actually do not want to share my inner thoughts on that subject and so have decided to just write things up to a point.
This year has sucked so far in a massive way. We as a family have lost 2 loved ones, one far too early in their life. Myself and family wanted to move house into a decent sized family home so we can improve our home life, this has not happened due to no interest in our current house.
This one simple thing has been having a profound effect on me, my wife and our overall happyness, lump this together with the losses to the family plus other outside influences adding shit into the pot and it all ends up with a great steaming pile of shit for the year so far.
Small highs have been there in the year, plus 1 massive high. But overall shite for me and mine.
I worry about the stress put upon family members and how unhappy they are at the moment. I worry about friends who are having troubles and how I want to make it all go away for them. But life is not as simple as this so we all strive to just be there for each other and try to make the best of life.
We all hope for a big win on the lottery which would certainly sort some of the crap out but this is probably the last thing that would happen.
So there is not a purpose this time to my blog, No thought to end with or message. Just wanted to vent a bit I suppose and hope that one day soon there is a bit more happyness in life for me and mine. x

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